VIDEO: Drew Rosenhaus Defiantly Defends Antonio Brown Over Disturbing Sexual Assault Allegations

Drew Rosenhaus has been making the rounds on TV of late trying to defend the honor and name of his controversial client, Antonio Brown, and is now faced with trying to dig AB out of the PR hole created by shocking allegations that he raped and sexually assaulted a former personal trainer. Rosenhaus went live on ESPN Wednesday to declare Britney Taylor's allegations as false, stating that Brown denies each and every claim laid out in Taylor's civil suit.

Brown, who just signed with the New England Patriots after very public divorces from both the Pittsburgh Steelers and Oakland Raiders this offseason, could ultimately be placed on the commissioner's exempt list after the NFL and the Patriots complete investigations into the matter.

Rosenhaus also called Taylor's lawsuit a "money grab," which also coincides with what Brown's legal team has maintained to this point.

Rosenhaus also claims that he had a feeling this lawsuit would come, and has already spoken with the NFL Players Association about what has transpired.

The AB media circus is set to continue, possibly with far more troubling implications and circumstances to come.