Alex Cora Denied a Fan Who Claimed it Was His Birthday in Attempt to Get on Field at Fenway

Baltimore Orioles v Boston Red Sox
Baltimore Orioles v Boston Red Sox / Michael Reaves

You can get away with a lot more when it's your birthday. Some restaurants will give you a free desert and even sing a formulated birthday song for you. It's a nice treat from the establishments, but some people end up taking advantage by lying.

A Red Sox fan recently tried a similar approach with Red Sox manager Alex Cora by claiming it was his birthday in hopes getting onto the field at Fenway ahead of the game. However, Cora called the fan on his bluff and caught him red handed, going as far as requesting to see his ID to verify his date of birth.

The fan deserves all the shame coming their way. You can't try to take advantage of somebody's kindness and expect to just get away with it.

Cora probably would have let the fan meet the players if it was actually his birthday. He let another kid onto the field the same day to meet the players for a birthday request.

Cora knew that he was being taken advantage of and completely shut it down. He might be a nice guy, but don't try to trick him and expect to get away with it.