Twitter is Freaking Out About How Young Christian Yelich's Mom Looks
By Jerry Trotta

Last week, the Milwaukee Brewers sent shockwaves throughout the MLB when it was announced the club agreed to a monster contract extension with superstar Christian Yelich. The deal was reportedly a seven-year, $190 million extension, brining Yelich's total earnings to approximately $215 million over nine years.
After the Brewers made the news official, the former NL MVP took to Instagram to thank the organization and those that helped him get to where he is today. One of those individuals unsurprisingly included his mother Alecia, who's featured next to her son in the fourth photo below.
Because Twitter is relentless, it eventually caught wind of Yelich's post on Instagram, and tweeters subsequently lost their minds when one user pointed out just how young the 28-year-old outfielder's mom looks.
Can we take a moment to not only appreciate everything Yeli's mom has done for him, but also how stunning she is.
— Alysa - DDV #1 Fan (@alysaz23) March 7, 2020
She is literally goals in every way imaginable.
For context, Yelich's mom is 51 years old. Most would agree that she looks exceptionally young for her age. You're telling us she's not in her 20s?
That family got MVP genes....
— Brad Lohaus fan account (@TheMythicalSam) March 7, 2020
If you found yourself thinking Alecia was Christian''s girlfriend, well, you aren't alone.
I thought at first glance this was his girlfriend never seen his mom beforehand
— heartthesummerlifeallyearround (@koehler_dave) March 7, 2020
One clever guy posted an Arnold Schwarzenegger GIF that accurately describes the involuntary and countless double takes that were given.
— mantic59 (@mantic59) March 7, 2020
And finally, Yelich's colossal contract extension was mentioned. Some bold fans only wanted the Brewers to retain the two-time All-Star because of his mom's seemingly effortless attempt to look as young as she does.
She is 19% of Why I wanted him to sign an extension.
— Craig Counsell (fake) (@craigcounsell) March 7, 2020
Like we said before: it's all in the genes. The Yelich family is on top of the baseball world right now, there's no doubt about it.