Herschel Walker Calls Out 'Defund the Police' Supporters With Ridiculous Tweet

Herschel Walker's latest idea is way off the mark.
Herschel Walker's latest idea is way off the mark. /

As protests continue throughout the United States in response to the civil injustice facing the Black Community, many have called for legislation to take action to combat this current crisis. One increasingly popular solution is the call to defund the police.

There are increasing numbers of fans of that idea, while others see it as a radical move that endangers society. Herschel Walker falls into the latter category, evident in a recent tweet that suggests a ridiculous idea instead.

In tagging a pair of the nation's news services and the president himself, the Georgia Bulldogs legend stated that "For all those people who don't want any police, I'd love to meet with American Airlines, Delta, and Southwest and make a deal to fly them to countries that don't have police. I want them to be happy!"

Walker's tweet appears to be a misunderstanding of the movements at hand. The calls for a defunding of the police do not equate to completely removing them from existence -- there is a separate movement calling for police abolition -- a point Walker seemingly ignored. Rather, the defund movement calls for reallocating resources away from, for instance, military-style equipment and toward objectives like social work and community wellness.

Despite this tweet, Walker has been an outspoken supporter on social media of the Black Lives Matter movement. He clearly wants change, but is struggling to strike the right chord this week.

Athletes, both past and present, have been especially active voices in response to the current American climate. Walker is no exception, but his latest comment has brought him to the forefront more than most, and for the wrong reasons.