Kenny Stills Calls Out Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross for Hosting Donald Trump Fundraiser
By Michael Luciano

The stick to sports crowd is not going to be pleased with this.
Miami Dolphins wide receiver Kenny Stills proved he's not above going after the man who writes the checks. The man in question is Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, who will host a $250,000 per table fundraiser for President Donald Trump. Stills took shots at what he believes to be blatant hypocrisy, as Ross' non-profit is known as the Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality.
Dolphins receiver Kenny Stills calls out team owner for hosting Trump fundraiser:
— Deadspin (@Deadspin) August 7, 2019
The foundation was created in order to "eliminate racial discrimination, champion social justice and improve race relations in sports."
"You can’t have a nonprofit with this mission statement then open your doors to Trump," Stills said.
Stills, who will make almost $8 million this season, has long been regarded as one of the most vocal advocates for social justice in the NFL, and he's even taking on his own boss.
? You can’t have a non profit with this mission statement then open your doors to Trump.
— Kenny Stills (@KSTiLLS) August 7, 2019
Before the "shut up and play football" crowd comes dog-piling onto Stills, if he feels that a charity designed to help race relations in sports isn't fulfilling the mission statement they laid out for themselves, he has every right to voice his opinion.