Kevin Youkilis Sends Perfect Tweet About MLB Gas Station Enhancement Pill Scandal
By Jerry Trotta
On Wednesday, a shocking new antagonist emerged that has reportedly been combating Major League Baseball's ongoing battle with performance-enhancing drugs: over-the-counter sexual-enhancement pills.
This year, at least two players, according to ESPN's Jeff Passan, have blamed these particular pills for their positive PED tests.
There's no doubting that this report came as a shock to virtually everybody who saw the notification light up their screens. Once it was confirmed to be true, however, one couldn't help but identify the humor in it all. And former Red Sox All-Star Kevin Youkilis pounced on the opportunity to crack a sexually-driven joke on Twitter.
The metaphor of all metaphors.
You're lying to yourself if you claim that you didn't chuckle upon reading that post. When you couple its appropriateness (given the circumstances) and the apparent parallel, it's impossible not to find humorous.
Some might even say it's the "greek god of tweets."
Not only are today's players focused on parking baseballs into bleachers, but they are also attempting to ensure that they knock other particular off-the-field activities out of the ballpark.
Youkilis was just letting his followers know with some priceless baseball jargon.