LeBron James Tweet About Winning First Title After Watching 'Last Dance' Will Make You Nostalgic

Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James on Twitter
Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James on Twitter /

If anyone understand the trials and tribulations Michael Jordan went through on the journey to his first NBA Championship, it's LeBron James.

Despite joining Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami, both Jordan and James had to jump hurdles to win their first chip. MJ needed Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman, while LBJ literally had to leave Cleveland to grow as a player, and eventually become a champion.

James finally broke through in 2012 in similar fashion to Jordan in '91, and his tweet after watching The Last Dance reflected on that very moment.

Comparing James and Jordan is useless, as LeBron only has half of the titles, yet holds several statistical advantages over his airness. Yet, the two (along with Kobe Bryant) will always be compared due to the aura which surrounds them as the undisputed best players of their eras.

James and Jordan fought through their own demons, and as LeBron has admitted on several occasions, he's chasing MJ's ghost.

Every player of LBJ's age grew up wanting to be like Mike, but few have even tasted the heights of even being considered as the greatest of all-time, even ahead of Jordan.

Rather than encourage debate, LeBron is bonding with his idol over a feat both of them achieved in due time.