Nationals Troll Astros With 'My Plans-2020' Meme About Owning Them in World Series
By Scott Rogust

Don't lie to us and yourselves. Once the clock struck midnight on New Year's, we all thought 2020 was going to be our time. Then, we all got smacked in the mouth by life itself in the form of the coronavirus pandemic. How do we cope with such grave seriousness and uncertainty? Why, through the unconditional embrace of memes of course!
This week, social media denizens have continued to be hard at work creating their own versions of the popular "my plans-2020" meme. Some have been hit and miss, and others have hit it out of the park. One account that's part of the latter group? The reigning World Series champion Washington Nationals, who jumped off the proverbial top rope to troll the Houston Astros viciously.
My plans 2020
— Washington Nationals (@Nationals) May 19, 2020
The Astros and their fan base thought they'd escape ridicule from the masses from their infamous cheating scandal with the Major League Baseball season on hold. Oh, were they ever wrong.
Houston has been under severe scrutiny after found guilty by by the league of stealing signs electronically during their 2017 championship season. However, no individual players were punished, having been granted immunity over the course of the investigation. What truly left a bad taste in the mouth of baseball fans was the team's disingenuousness and lack of accountability for their cheating.
The Nats are here to remind them just in case they forgot.
thank you for asking. No we cannot.
— Washington Nationals (@Nationals) May 19, 2020
With the Astros becoming MLB's version of the Legion of Doom, you might as well call the Nationals the Justice League. This past season, Washington defeated the Astros in seven games to win the World Series to spare baseball fans from being exposed to Houston's critical levels of braggadocio.
We hope the Astros have accepted the fact that they're going to face scrutiny until the end of time, especially from their MLB colleagues.