No, the New NFL CBA Doesn't Mean Josh Gordon Can Suddenly Come Back

Even with the new NFL CBA's marijuana rules, Josh Gordon can't suddenly be un-suspended.
Even with the new NFL CBA's marijuana rules, Josh Gordon can't suddenly be un-suspended. / Jason Miller/Getty Images

The NFL's new collective bargaining agreement was agreed upon by the narrowest of margins on Sunday morning. One of the main caveats that players voted yes on the new CBA is that players won't be suspended for a positive marijuana test.

Once this news was handed down, wide receiver Josh Gordon immediately started trending on Twitter. Unfortunately for the former Browns, Patriots, and Seahawks wide receiver, this new CBA rule doesn't automatically rescind his current suspension for weed-related substance abuse issues.

Since Gordon received his ban under the old collective bargaining agreement, he still has to adhere to that specific rule set. So, that means he'll have to apply for reinstatement and wait for approval from commissioner Roger Goodell just as he would have otherwise. The terms and conditions of his ban do not change.

Additionally, if Gordon were to hypothetically be reinstated into the NFL, the new rules for positive marijuana tests wouldn't apply to him. Instead, he'd have to follow the old guidelines given that he's a past offender. If he were to violate any of those mandates again, then he'd receive yet another indefinite suspension.

Long story short, this new CBA isn't exactly great news for Gordon. Don't expect him to be right back in the fold and ready to play in 2020 unless he meets every last condition for reinstatement.