NFL Fan Impersonates Andy Reid From Childhood Punt, Pass and Kick Competition at Super Bowl Opening Night
By Michael Luciano

Super Bowl Media Day always ends up bringing out some of the most colorful fans in the world, and Super Bowl LIV featuring the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers is no different.
One fan even went through the trouble of scrounging together all the parts necessary to cosplay as 12-year-old Andy Reid, referencing that immortal picture from Reid's days as a Punt, Pass and Kick star.
An Andy Reid punt/pass/kick showed up at Super Bowl Opening Night. Said that when he came up with idea everyone sent him my photo, so not mad.
— Andrew Perloff (@andrewperloff) January 28, 2020
For those that are completely uninitiated, Reid competed in a Punt, Pass and Kick competition at the age of 12. The photo shows Reid looking like a grown man who snuck into a kids competition. It certainly didn't help that he was paired with the smallest 12-year-old in recorded history.
All of those factors, coupled with the fact the broadcast spelled Reid's name wrong, has made that freeze frame one of the most immortal Reid memories out there.
That time Andy Reid went to the national Punt, Pass & Kick finals because he was 10 times larger than every other child on the planet.
— Super 70s Sports (@Super70sSports) January 21, 2019
Reid's legacy as an offensive innovator and the sensei that many great coaches study under might be what he is most remembered for, but his 15 minutes of fame at age 12 is next in line.