NFL Reportedly Won't Change Playoff Format and Fans Should Expect to Remain Enraged

Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliot escapes pressure from the Philadelphia Eagles' defense.
Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliot escapes pressure from the Philadelphia Eagles' defense. / Richard Rodriguez/Getty Images

The weakness of the NFC East in 2019 has brought the discussion about the NFL's seeding rules into the spotlight once again. People are outraged that the champion of that division will be seeded higher than the wild card teams despite likely having a worse record, and it has prompted discussion about changing the structure of the playoffs.

But according to Adam Schefter, the thought of doing that hasn't even been a consideration for the league.

Because really, why would the NFL ever do something that makes sense?

It's disappointing but not surprising. Rather than admitting the flaws of the current structure, it seems as though the league is content with pushing the narrative that divisions matter more than teams with superior records.

Never mind the fact that there could actually be a team like the Dallas Cowboys or Philadelphia Eagles with a losing record that gets to host a playoff game. Seattle hosted a game at 7-9 years ago against the Saints and fans were outraged about that.

It's a shame that the league hasn't even entertained the idea of mixing things up, because now it means that plenty of teams that could provide far better entertainment in the postseason won't get to play at home.

Even a debacle like this year's wasn't enough to show the NFL the error of its ways.