O's Announcer Gary Thorne's Wikipedia Gets Savage Edit After Latest Gleyber Torres Home Run Barrage

With the Baltimore Orioles (39-80) in the midst of an atrocious campaign, the voice of the franchise -- Gary Thorne -- hasn't been presented with many opportunities to treat O's fans to memorable calls.

In fact, the 71-year-old broadcaster has, more often than not, been trending for his reactions to the triumphs of Baltimore's opponents, most notably Gleyber Torres and the New York Yankees.

After the Bombers' stud infielder clubbed three home runs in the clubs' doubleheader on Monday, somebody went out of their way to make a humorous compilation video of Thorne's calls for each of Gleyber's 13 big flies. Fast forward to Tuesday afternoon, however, and the trolling continued with an equally hilarious edit to Thorne's Wikipedia page.

"In 2019, he became the personal home run caller for Yankees infielder Gleyber Torres."

We're not sure who was responsible for this simplistic masterpiece, but kudos to you. Like all of us, Thorne is finding it impossible to fathom Torres' sovereignty over Baltimore in 2019.

Luckily for Thorne, the O's just have two games left against the Yanks this year -- one tilt apiece on Tuesday and Wednesday. In truth, however, we wouldn't put it past Gleyber to have another dinger (or two) to his name come Thursday.