Patriots DB Patrick Chung Enters Agreement to Have Cocaine Possession Charge Dropped

New England Patriots DB Patrick Chung
New England Patriots DB Patrick Chung / Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

Patriots defensive back Patrick Chung's charges of Cocaine possession were dismissed on Monday.

The 32-year-old safety was indicted on possession charges in his New Hampshire home back in August.

It was a roller coaster year for Chung in 2019 as he won his third Super Bowl, underwent arm surgery and dealt with this criminal issue just prior to the start of the season.

Chung and The State of New Hampshire came to an agreement that he will not be prosecuted as long as he meets four conditions set by the state:

1. Chung must maintain good behavior — no arrests of any kind — for two years.

2. Chung will submit to drug testing once a month.

3. Chung will perform 40 hours of community service.

4. Chung waives his right to a trial, and if he violates any of the above stipulations, the state of New Hampshire can press charges against him again.

Chung was the beneficiary of an unusual ruling by the state. In New Hampshire, Cocaine possession is classified as a Class B felony, and can carry up to seven years in prison. He was let off easy due to lack of any prior criminal record, cooperation with the police and a small drug amount.

Chung has spent all but one of his 10 NFL seasons with the Patriots, and has been a key player in the New England defensive backfield that has helped win three Super Bowl titles since 2014. He suffered an arm injury in New England's most recent Super Bowl victory last year, but that did not stop him from celebrating with his teammates.

He could still face discipline by the league office for the incident.