Patriots WR Julian Edelman is Selling 'Stay Tom 2020' Election Gear in Latest Cash Grab

New England Patriots WR Julian Edelman's 'Stay Tom 2020' T-Shirts are Sad
New England Patriots WR Julian Edelman's 'Stay Tom 2020' T-Shirts are Sad /

Now we know, beyond a doubt, why Julian Edelman was so intent on screaming, "He's coming back!" into a roving camera at Saturday night's Syracuse-UNC game.

Obviously, Edelman would prefer Tom Brady keep him as his No. 1 weapon and run it back once again in New England with the Patriots. But even if he doesn't, Edelman has a monetary stake in the chase.

Please enjoy Edelman's "Stay Tom 2020" collection!

Get your shirts, bumper stickers, yard signs (?!), and GOAT buttons (?!?) straight from Jules, if you really feel like you need to do that!

We feel confident in saying that only Pats Nation would succumb to something like this, ESPECIALLY something like this pilfered by one of their own hard-working athletes.

Of course, during primary season, Edelman wants you to know this is not at all biased, even though Bernie Sanders' free health care might make it easier for the Patriots to pony up a few extra dollars for ol' Tommy. No, no -- the state is a TOM-ocracy now.

Oh, great. GOAT. Kiss the rings. Hoodie. This is our house.

We're tired of every buzzword, and we hope Brady drops out and endorses Klobuchar.