VIDEO: Willie McGinest and Matt Light Discuss Epic Pranks Pulled on Bill Belichick When They Were With Patriots

Former New England Patriots Willie McGinest and Matt Light shared some great prank stories.
Former New England Patriots Willie McGinest and Matt Light shared some great prank stories. /

The New England Patriots are known for running a tight ship under the leadership of Bill Belichick. The "Patriot Way" certainly doesn't imply fun. But that may not be entirely true based on some stories shared by former Patriots Willie McGinest and Matt Light. The latter apparently pulled off a few great pranks on his coach that allegedly made Belichick crack a smile.

He was punished for his actions, but it was totally worth it if you ask these two. What could be better than making the best coach in NFL history look human?

The thought of pulling a prank on Belichick may be too daunting for most people, but not for Light, who was bold enough to shock the man with a "zapping mouse" in replacing the head coach's computer mouse.

The new-school Patriots players better not get any ideas, especially in 2020, considering Belichick will be coaching his first season without Tom Brady in 20 years. Stick to the Patriot Way and then maybe you can prank him after a Super Bowl win.