Pittsburgh Newspaper Really Just Gave Tom Brady More Motivation Because They're That Stupid

New England Patriots v Pittsburgh Steelers
New England Patriots v Pittsburgh Steelers /

When you poke the bear, it's well understood that you are, at some point, going to be dealt your fair share of comeuppance. When you poke the GOAT, however, you might as well just pack up shop and crown he/she the inevitable champion.

Well, it just so happens that the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette personified the latter on Sunday, laughably and brazenly asserting that Rob Gronkowski's premature retirement, center David Andrews' season-ending injury and a few key offseason departures, could spell the end of the New England Patriots decade-plus dynasty.

Are we serious? Has nobody learned that doubting the likes of Tom Brady and Bill Belichick, at the very least, will result in the duo appearing in the Super Bowl?

You can get your bottom dollar that several copies of this article are being printed and posted all around the Pats locker room for motivation...as if they needed any more incentive to waltz their way into the playoffs.

"As cool as the other side of the pillow," as the late, great broadcaster Stuart Scott would say.

Brady may seem unbothered, but there's a reason the Foxborough Faithful came up with the Psycho Tom nickname over the years -- he remembers EVERYTHING, whether it's the defensive schemes of the other 31 teams in the NFL, or each time a pundit said he couldn't play into his 40s.

The six-time Super Bowl champ is about to bestow another season of sheer excellence upon the rest of the league all because, well, he can, and wants to serve up a fresh dish of crow to each and every one of his rigid and moronic doubters.