Princeton Students Are Upset With Marshawn Lynch Being Named 'Class Day' Speaker

Marshawn Lynch was chosen to speak at Princeton's 'Class Day' and the students are hating the decision.
Marshawn Lynch was chosen to speak at Princeton's 'Class Day' and the students are hating the decision. / Stacy Revere/Getty Images

While college students often can't contain their excitement for who their graduation day speaker will be, the same can't be said for the students at Princeton getting ready for the annual 'Class Day' honor. Because of the prestigious school's reputation, students expect only the highest quality of speakers.

It was announced last week that Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch was selected to speak at the school's "Class Day." Since the selection announcement, students have not been happy.

The selection of the veteran RB was justified by the school's selection committee by citing Lynch's NFL career and philanthropic efforts. Even with his crazy antics on the field, Lynch has been known to give back to multiple communities.

Students, however, cite his unwillingness to speak to the media and the punishments he was given as the reason to avoid having Lynch as the speaker. The students were more unhappy with the fact that they had little participation in the selection process, but Lynch's history of being difficult with the press gave them more to be upset at.

The future grads have a right to be unhappy at the school's selection process, but getting to hear a personality like Lynch's speak directly to you is a treat that the students shouldn't take for granted. Lynch is a winner on and off the field. He more than likely won't let the Princeton students down.