Protestors Show up to Colin Kaepernick NFL Workout in Atlanta
By Sean Facey

Colin Kaepernick is finally set to put on a display for NFL teams on Saturday in what is undoubtedly his greatest chance at getting a job in the league in the last three years.
Of course, with the workout comes political discourse. Kaepernick's political positions have been incredibly polarizing among football fans across the nation, and protestors showed up at his workout in Atlanta to make their opinions known.
Plenty of people showed up on both ends of the spectrum, either to show their support or voice their discontent. One detractor, for example, wrote out a sign calling him an "un-American loser."
Sign outside of the entrance to the facility.
— The Undefeated (@TheUndefeated) November 16, 2019
Across from the anti-Kaepernick attendees sat a plethora of supporters for the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback.
To the credit of the supporters, they were on scene with a far greater contingent than their counterparts.
Outside of the Falcons facility: Anti-Kaepernick protestors on the left; Kaepernick supporters in much greater numbers on the right.
— Steve Wyche (@wyche89) November 16, 2019
With an event of this magnitude, though, it was inevitable that people from all walks of life and varying schools of thought would be in attendance. After all, this could end up being a momentous occasion for the NFL.
A few women joined the group of supporters.
— The Undefeated (@TheUndefeated) November 16, 2019
But at the end of the day, what matters most is how Kaepernick performs for the teams watching. If his training pays off, he could soon be back in a uniform on the sidelines for an NFL team.