Raiders Beef Up Suites in Las Vegas Stadium in Effort to Land 2025 Super Bowl
By Adam Weinrib
It's never too early to plan ahead in hopes of luring a Super Bowl to your city.
Especially if your city is Las Vegas, and you need plenty of advance notice to put together a party worthy of the location.
As their new stadium construction rumbles on towards completion, the Raiders are adding new suites to the plan in an effort to get things ready for their candidacy for the 2025 Super Bowl.
This is a tough call, of course. The NFL is already making a monster leap in giving the game in general to Vegas, otherwise known as Sin City and an adult's Disneyland. Are we ready for the type of debauchery associated with the Super Bowl transported into this dangerous desert?
The 2020 Draft on the Strip will be a great early indicator, but can the league wait that long to make their call here?
The bill for these 20 additional suites (moving the sum total up from 108 to 128) is being handled by the Raiders organization; it'll cost an additional $40 million. But will it impress the NFL? Can they get comfortable with the idea of their biggest event being held on Vegas' baked soil?