Red Sox Great Kevin Youkilis Makes Powerful Argument for Removing Marge Schott's Name From Cincinnati Stadium

Kevin Youkilis is a Boston Red Sox legend who got his start at the University of Cincinnati. He used that experience to launch a career that saw him win two World Series and make three All-Star Games while in Boston.
Youkilis remains a big name in Cincinnati, too, and released a powerful statement this weekend regarding a petition to change the name of the school's baseball stadium. Current Bearcats player Nathan Moore wants to remove Marge Schott's name from the stadium. The former Cincinnati Reds owner was forced out of the league for her racism and anti-Semitism, but her name remains posthumously on UC's baseball stadium. Youkilis shared support for the change, and shared a personal experience on the matter as well.
I stand with @nike_nate2! #WeAreUC
— Kevin Youkilis (@GreekGodOfHops) June 7, 2020
Youkilis' family is Jewish, and the slugger shared how his dad, back in the day, did not want their family name associated with Schott's atop that stadium, back when the third-sacker nearly had the field dedicated to his exploits.
The former Reds owner famously had comments in support of Adolf Hitler and reportedly was spotted wearing a Nazi armband, among her many other transgressions -- look no further than the 1996 Washington Post headline "Scott Praises Hitler Again."
I thought the post explained my push back with the powers that be when asked about renaming the field. Many within know my feelings. I will play the game to hear how I’ve turned my back on Cincinnati.
— Kevin Youkilis (@GreekGodOfHops) June 7, 2020
Getting Schott's name off the stadium is long overdue. She disgraced her own name, and it would be a simple move to put Youkilis' name on the stadium instead so players can be proud of stepping onto the field each and every time. Youkilis is actually someone to look up to, while Schott is an example of the type of hate and bigotry that need to be gone from our world.