VIDEO: Trevor Bauer Speaks Out Strongly Against MLB Owners’ Revenue Sharing Proposal
By Tyler Kemp

With the rumors swirling about if and when the 2020 MLB season will actually be able to start, the first issue that the league needs to deal with is the revenue sharing proposal between the players association and the owners. Plenty of interested parties have put forth differing opinions on the matter, but Reds pitcher Trevor Bauer made sure to make his feelings heard on the issue loud and clear.
Same song and dance from @mlb. Leak a story. Negotiate through the media. Make players out to be the bad guys. Players already agreed to a pay cut. We negotiated. WE HAVE AN AGREEMENT. Now they want to go back on it so they can make more money? GTFO. @AgentRachelLuba is spot on.
— Trevor Bauer (@BauerOutage) May 13, 2020
In a conversation with agent Rachel Luba, he expressed an understanding that certain jobs are valued at a certain cold, hard number. In baseball, however, players are already taking pay cuts this season, so the point that he and Luba make here is that the MLBPA should not have to give up even even more for the sake of the league's owners, who are already vastly more wealthy than the people they employ and far less adversely affected by the economic impact of the COVID-19 shutdowns.
There is not a problem with the players taking less pay, as they had already signed up to do so. For better or worse, fans also need to recognize that the real issue at hand is that the owners want the players to now take even less than the discount they already agreed to.
crazy. they already had a deal. now they reneg. I hope the fans are smart enough to see this
— Preston Mack (@photopreston) May 13, 2020
Both sides are working diligently to make sure they are satisfied with a plan to move forward. With the possibility of the MLB coming back this summer, owners need to make sure they are giving the players a fair shake in terms of how they're valued.