Rob Gronkowski Describes Absurdly Gory Moment From Super Bowl When He Knew He Had to Retire

Super Bowl LIII - New England Patriots v Los Angeles Rams
Super Bowl LIII - New England Patriots v Los Angeles Rams / Patrick Smith/Getty Images

Former New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski had a big announcement to make on Tuesday, and everyone thought it was about returning to the football field. Instead, Gronk announced his endorsement for a CBD company.

That's disappointing for some, but when you hear about this one moment from the Super Bowl, you can understand why he walked away from the game and is looking to improve his life elsewhere.

It's hard to picture Gronk in tears, but if you played on a significantly injured quad for 2.5 more quarters and then had to get a liter of blood drained from it after the game, you'd be crying like a baby to no end.

One thing that's encouraging, specifically for Pats fans, is that Gronk didn't rule out a return to football. Of course, he's not going to return if he doesn't have that same passion, but the possibility still gives fans hope.

Then again, Gronk made it clear he wasn't going to come back and get beat up all over again. If that's the case, then this door that was "left open" is probably barely cracked.

Maybe we could see Gronk back in pads if the NFL permits the use of CBD products.