Rob Parker Calling Out Tom Brady After Wild Card Game Loss Will Have Patriots Fans Fuming

Rob Parker called out Tom Brady on Twitter.
Rob Parker called out Tom Brady on Twitter. /

Rob Parker has built a career out of saying controversial things both on television and in his writing.

The current FS1 personality decided to attack Tom Brady after the New England Patriots struggled on offense Saturday in the loss to Tennessee, and he sure let TB12 have it. Unreal.

Even the biggest Brady haters can see that the Patriots lack weapons on offense. Parker also attacked Brady for not throwing a touchdown in what was a Super Bowl victory last year.

This hot take will surely enrage Patriots fans. If Parker deems the late pick-six to be an embarrassing play, that is more on the receiver than on Brady. That makes it easy to wonder if Parker actually believe this or if he is just seeking attention.

Parker is not letting up on his Brady hate and his mentions are filled with angry replies rom Patriots fans. He needs to stop the hate on Brady immediately.