VIDEO: Roger Goodell Running Out of Battery Near End of NFL Draft Day 2 Proves He's a Robot

Roger Goodell tried to add some personality to the NFL Draft broadcast.
Roger Goodell tried to add some personality to the NFL Draft broadcast. /

Roger Goodell is announcing picks from his house during the 2020 NFL Draft and for the most part the process has been smooth. However, Goodell simply couldn't help himself and decided to give viewers a fireside chat vibe by getting more comfortable and taking a seat during the third round. As expected, the results were extremely awkward.

Mr. Goodell tried to channel his inner Mr. Rogers and add some personality to the event. Maybe it would be best for everyone involved if he maintained his heel personality and didn't try to act like a normal, everyday member of society.

"Where I usually watch my NFL football," Goodell proudly stated on camera.

This phrase makes it sound like Goodell has never actually watched a game in his life. Who calls it "NFL football?"

The reality of the situation may be that Goodell just needs to sit down after standing and reading all the picks. All the sitting during the quarantine may have caught up to him. If he wants to sit, that is fine. Let's just keep the awkward moments to a minimum.