Some Woman Let Joe West Smooch Her on the Cheek and We Need to Know Why
By James.r

Joe West is, by most accounts, one of the MLB's worst umpires. He's consistently missing easy calls and getting into spats with players, and was even voted in a 2010 survey of major league players to have the "quickest hook" in the sport.
Not everyone is anti-West, however. One overzealous fan went out of her way to get a spicy photo with the umpire. Check out this Tigers fan's Instagram post of Joe West giving her a big old kiss on the cheek through the netting in the front row.
Now, it's odd enough that any woman would ask Mr. West for a photographed smooch, but it's even more concerning that the umpire decided to oblige-- while he was still on the field. As far as we know, Reed is of no relation to the umpire, so we're not quite sure what inspired old Joe to accept the stranger's request.
Who knows, maybe West actually has a way with the ladies after all.
Cowboy Joe West is Mr. Steal Your Girl @Starting9 (via IG/beccareeed)
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) August 15, 2019
Hopefully Reed gets a ton of Instagram likes on that pic, because otherwise we just don't see any way to justify asking West for a peck on the cheek.