This Map Reveals Most Hated MLB Team in Every State in 2019
By Sean Facey

Have you ever wondered who the most hated baseball team in your state is? Well, wonder no more!
A new chart has cropped up showing the most despised team state-by-state based on geotagged Twitter data from 2019, and the results are actually very interesting.
The Yankees being the most hated team on the west coast is funny considering how many “let’s go Yankees” chants break out when they’re out there.
— Joe Randazzo (Bronx Pinstripes crew) (@deflategator) January 31, 2020
The New York Yankees are plastered across the map, standing out as the most hated team in a whopping 28 states. Not to be outdone, however, the Chicago Cubs and Los Angeles Dodgers are both hated in hefty swaths of land as well.
The New York Mets, St. Louis Cardinals and Boston Red Sox make appearances as well.
Looking at the map raises an obvious question, though: Where are the Astros? Well, this data is from the whole of the 2019 season, and the team's cheating scandal didn't crop up until late last year. So for now, they aren't officially the most hated team in America.
Updated map**
— Luis Perez ?? (@YMCMB911) January 31, 2020
Of course, that won't save them from the wrath of the fans next year, some of whom are even going to their games just to boo them.
Nonetheless, it's still interesting to see the Yankees, Dodgers and Cubs take the cake for last year, because they'll almost certainly give way to a new hate champion in 2020.