Tom Brady Goes All-Out With Evil Halloween Costume for 2019

To some, the New England Patriots are known as the evil empire of the NFL. Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is embracing the dark side with his Halloween costume this year.

Brady literally dressed up as a storm trooper. The Galaxy's mightiest quarterback went all-out with this one.

Patriots head coach Bill Belichick is often compared to Emperor Palpatine (probably because of his demeanor and fondness for hoodies). So, it makes sense that Brady opted to play along as a loyal soldier to the galactic empire.

As a huge fan of both the Patriots and all things Star wars, I absolutely love Brady's costume choice. This is brilliant.

I think it is also worth noting that Brady could have dressed as Darth Vader, who was the Emperor's second-in-command before eventually betraying him in the final film of the original trilogy. But, of course, we'd probably read too much into that.

Instead, Brady decided to be a storm trooper. This reflects his humility and loyalty to the Patriots. Unlike Vader, the GOAT will always remain loyal to the organization that gave him everything. Brady and the Pats are not going away anytime soon.