Trevor Bauer Reminds Astros He Caught Them Sign-Stealing During ALDS With Snarky Tweet

The original bombshell report that detailed the lengths that the Houston Astros would go to to steal signs was just the tip of the iceberg, as new details are emerging seemingly every day about how detailed their operation was.

Cincinnati Reds starting pitcher Trevor Bauer, formerly of the Cleveland Indians, has been vindicated in his claim that the Astros stole Cleveland's signs during the 2018 ALDS, and lost his mind on Twitter when the revelation that an Astros executive was behind the push to steal signs was made public.

Bauer was rightfully furious about the fact that the Astros were so blatant in their quest to illegally steal signs, but managed to escape any sort of punishment from the league.

This goes beyond picking up on tipped pitches or even banging on a trash can to signal a changeup is coming. This was a full-on, high-tech operation that the Astros should be swiftly and harshly punished for.

We still probably haven't unearthed all of the facts as it relates to the depths of the sign-stealing fiasco. At this point, the Astros could be accused of just about anything and it wouldn't be too farfetched.