VIDEO: All Out Vicious Brawl Breaks Out Among Parents at Little League Baseball Game in Colorado

You remember your little league baseball days, right? If you remember anything, it'd have to be the insufferable parents that did their best to ruin all the fun with their complaining from the stands and lobbying for their kid to get more playing time. Thought those parents were bad? Meet these classless neanderthals:

This was a game played amongst seven-year-old children and this brawl ensued because the parents weren't happy with the calls made by the 13-year-old umpire, according to ABC News. So, for all you Generation X people complaining about the youth of America not working hard enough, here's your reason. A bunch of meathead parents decided to throw down acting as if Angel Hernandez was screwing their team in Game 7 of the World Series.

According to Lakewood, Colo. police, the fight occurred on Saturday around noon at Westgate Elementary School and was STILL ongoing when the cops arrived at the scene. Law enforcement is still looking for a number of others involved in the incident after handing out four citations for disorderly contact.

God help us.