VIDEO: Jay Cutler Teaching the WR Route Tree is Perfect
By Sean Facey

Jay Cutler is taking his nonchalant attitude about football to the world of advertising. The former NFL quarterback took up the role of "Professor Cutler" while teaching the wide receiver route tree in an advertisement for Dos Equis. The results were absolutely perfect.
Yes, this is the Jay Cutler we all know and love. The type of guy who really couldn't care less about what you think about him.
He does a hilarious job of selling the part of the disinterested professor who may or may not be in the right state of mind, though maybe the fact that he made a mistake while teaching the route tree is indicative of why he struggled while in the league.
Of course, that might be reading just a bit too far into things! Nonetheless, it seems as though Cutler may have found himself a new calling now that he's enjoying retirement.