VIDEO: You Can Literally See What Appears to Be Astros' Sign-Stealing Setup on World Series DVD

One thing that's been remarkably clear thus far in picking apart the layers of Houston's sign-stealing? The Wall Street bozos they hired to try to cheat the game are incredibly bad at covering up the alleged crime. We recently got email confirmation of an executive instructing his team's scouts to look for illicit edges, but in case the paper trail wasn't damning can literally see the trash can/cable/banging setup on the team's 2017 World Series DVD. Of course you can! Can't tell the story of the season without it, can you?

Thanks to Jomboy, once again, for uncovering this. Doing God's work.

Yeah, very normal and not suspicious to have a laptop, cable jutting out of the wall, fresh gatorade, chair, and trash can all set up next to each other during a back-and-forth World Series game. We simply love to sit near a trash can and work on spreadsheets during the biggest game of the season. Normal MLB employee behavior.

But we already knew these guys weren't normal, of course. Every Astros executive appears to fancy themselves the greatest genius to ever hit America's pastime because they discovered "cheating."

These low-rent Jordan Belforts deserve whatever's coming to them.